mercredi 1 avril 2009



Everything was sent to the plant ! Therefore, these pieces of plastic will be available in a few weeks... Let's introduce them to you:

1 This is the split cover with Old Growth... Rick Froberg drew it !

It will be available through Purepainsugar over Europe and Bakery Outlet in the US.

2 the following covers are the first part of a singles serie. Two songs will be available on each 7 inch.
We already have 3 new songs so far. Still one song to record until the serie is complete. We don't know when and how but we're working on them!

3 All the songs were recorded during a single session, in November 2008, in Lyon. Will mixed our songs, which were then mastered by Carl Saff ! They really sound good

By the way, we still have demos and are totally excited to go on our first tour!

Our friends from Lexomyl have their new 7" out now... And Seb will release the Dead Friends LP that is totally awesome as well ! Time for you to check them out!

2 commentaires:

Abrct / Jrmcn a dit…

Y'a pas, vos artworks ont la grosse classe.

killed by video a dit…

chalu,ptite question,j'suis un amoureux des flyer et j'trouve pas celui de paris..yen a un???merci a l'ecoute vos morceau sont vraiment bien pour savoir aussi si vous avez du cd avec vous,j'ai plus de platine et le lecteur cassette est dans la voiture se qui fais un peux loin pour ecouté vos morceau,voila a bientôt..sur paris quoi..