mercredi 23 juin 2010

This Is Not A Photograph

hey !
here's the biggest update ever... we posted some pictures of the tour ! We're back since a long time but since then we've been very busy.
We worked on some songs that we recorded (or re-recorded!) for a split with our friends from Paris : Abject Object. There is one original song and a kind of acoustic cover of Coming Clean from Green Day...
Then we recorded another original song and Which Way To Go from the Big Boys for an LP compilation of french punk rock bands. Lucien from Lost Boys and Trash from Koenigstein Youth are taking care of this release...

We'll also write new material for a full length. We wanted it to be recorded for this fall but as we only have one song for it so far, we'll probably think about a new schedule. Seb / Purepainsugar in Europe, Rich / Bakery Outlet in the USA and Momo&Satomi / Flower Of Carnage in Japan will take care of the release when it will be all done on our side. Kinda excited to work on a full length !!
The series will also be compiled sooner or later on LP/CD in the US and Japan, it's on the work ... more infos as soon as possible !

ok ok...
more later
gwen, julien and hugues

1 commentaire:

thiob a dit…

Pleins de bonnes nouvelles et de jolies photos !

Vivement les nouvelles sorties !

Bonne continuation !